The Valmonte neighborhood is located in Palos Verdes Estates. The best thing about this neighborhood is that it is a family neighborhood. There are usually groups of children playing outdoors on any given day. The topography is relatively flat which is great for walking, riding bikes, playing ball, etc. It is a very friendly area with lots of people taking walks and stopping to chat.
Houses were built individually by owners who purchased lots – this is not a tract neighborhood. The first house was built over 70 years ago. There are mixed style homes from Ranch, Spanish, Contemporary, Tuscan, Craftsman, etc. all approved by the Palos Verdes Homeowner’s Association. Housing prices in 2007 ranged from $912,500 to $2,685,000.
The weather is temperate; it’s been said Valmonte is in a “banana belt” – not too much fog, wind or heat – it’s perfect. Valmonte is located on the north side of the Palos Verdes Peninsula so it is closer to beaches, freeways and shopping “off the hill”. There are no sidewalks, street lights or signals. At night you can see the stars.