2024 Palos Verdes homes sales for the Palos Verdes Drive North neighborhood stayed the same with 46 single family homes sold in 2023 & 2024. Price per square foot for Palos Verdes Drive North houses that sold in 2024 increased to $949 compared from $936 in 2023, a 1.4% increase. Average sales price for Palos Verdes Drive North homes sold in 2024 was $2,672,411 compared to $2,778,185 in 2023. The most expensive home sold for $6,720,000 and the lowest priced home sold for $1,468,000.
Currently, Palos Verdes Drive North has 12 active Palos Verdes homes for sale. There are 9 single family homes for sale from $2,075,000 for a 4 bedroom/2 bath, 2,388 square foot home, to $4,395,000 for a 6 bedroom/5 bath, 6,080 square foot home. There are 3 condo/townhomes for sale from $400,000 for a single/1 bath, 440 square foot condo/townhome, to $485,000 for a 1 bedroom/1 bath, 659 square foot condo/townhome.
To view current Palos Verdes real estate statistics for the entire Peninsula, please click here or on the “Statistics” tab above.
Photo courtesy of the City of Rolling Hills Estates