PV School District High Credit Rating


 The Palos Verdes Unified School District received a AA+/Aa2 credit rating from Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s Investor Services.  This is one of the highest ratings that a California school district can get and there are only 16 public school districts in California that have a AA+ or better. 

Owners of Palos Verdes real estate should be proud both of the School District, for their excellent management, and themselves for the school bonds that we have voted upon ourselves to make up for the shortfall from the State.  Additionally, Peninsula Education Foundation funds many programs that the State no longer does and our PTAs also step in financially where allowable to keep our school district strong.  Finally, congratulations to all the parents in the district who work tirelessly for our children’s education and well-being.

A copy of the entire press releasae can be accessed by clicking here.

Above photo is of Malaga Cove School

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