Here is another great idea for a Summer children’s activity. The Palos Verdes Beach and Athletic Club located in Palos Verdes Estates will be offering their swim lesson program to non-members at the PVBAC pool. Lessons are provided for children of all levels. This is not for recreational swimming, but for the specific lesson/program being offered. For a Palos Verdes Estates resident, non-member session is $180. The enrollment will be capped at 1 instructor per 6 students so it’s important to enroll now during open registration. There are still classes available and it is recommended that you print the program brochure and have all your registration and waiver forms filled out/signed when you register. You can do this at
Three-week Swim Lesson Sessions: (Tuesday-Friday (12 lessons/session) Session l: June 18-July 5, Session 2: July 9-July 26, Session 3: July 30- August 16.
The Palos Verdes Beach and Athletic Club is located at 389 Paseo Del Mar, Palos Verdes Estates 90274 – phone number 310-375-8777.
Photo courtesy of Arvin Design