Palos Verdes Homes owners in all four cities can take advantage of free Christmas tree pickup beginning December 26, 2018, and pick up schedules are listed.
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Palos Verdes Homes owners in all four cities can take advantage of free Christmas tree pickup beginning December 26, 2018, and pick up schedules are listed.
Christmas is approaching with lots to enjoy here on the Peninsula, like sing-a-longs and Santa visits, .
During the month of January 2019, the Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy is offering hikes on Palos Verdes trails - including nocturnal hikes, bird watching, and volunteer opportunities.
Terranea Resort offers holiday dining opportunities from Christmas Eve through Christmas Day.
Santa will be making Palos Verdes visits during the next few weeks beginning this weekend with Breakfast with Santa, and continuing on with a Gingerbread Workshop and other Holiday Festivals with magical snowfall and strolling musicians.
The Neighborhood Church will be hosting its Annual Christmas Pageant on Sunday, December 9, 2018, 5:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Enjoy Local Area Holiday Fun by viewing the King Harbor Holiday Boat Parade and Sleepy Hollow's Christmas Lights in Candy Cane Lane area.
South Bay Holiday Events 2018, with dates and time for Torrance Memorial Holiday Festival and Riviera Village Holiday Stroll in Redondo Beach.
Terranea Resort will be celebrating Hanukkah with nightly Menorah lightings, and special meal treats from Sunday, Deember 2, through Monday, December 10, 2018.
Enjoy a Free Holiday Music Bell Choir Concert on Sunday, December 9, 2018, at 5:30 p.m. at St. Luke's Presbyterian Church.